Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hot Sauce '07

Today was the 8th annual Hot Sauce Festival in Houston, Texas. Here are the resulting pictures from that expedition. We got lost on our way there, but we eventually made it! We got to see Captain's Keith and Blake of the f/v Wizard and f/v Maverick, respectively. It was pretty exciting to say the least. It was really weird to see someone in real life that you'd only ever known from the television. But it was awesome that Blake totally fell in love with my dear friend, Lauren!!! He's dying for her to go to the bar to visit him tonight, but she's gonna stand him up. Poor Guy! Anyways, there were lots of different types of hot sauces and a variety of people from all walks of life. Very interesting festival to say the least. We also got our faces painted which was extremely fun! Now we've made it back safe and sound, so now you can enjoy all the pics that I managed to take while I was there.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


I had a request for new photos, so here it is. All the randomness that is on my camera, here for your own person enjoyment.

ENJOY! : )

I had way too much ice cream!

Today, I got up and went to church. It was a nice sermon and church is always a much needed blessing. Then I went and ate some delicious pasta from my beloved Mosquito Cafe. Then I came back home and met up with Darrin and Lauren and we all headed to Seawall. Darrin is such a gentleman, he always opened the doors for me and Lauren. We went into a souvenir shop to find a sponge and some new shells for Lauren's no name hermit crabs. After that, we decided we needed some ice cream because it was so swelteringly hot today. I got entirely too much ice cream!!! The two scoops were more like FOUR!!!!! YIPES!! There's a pic of Lauren pretending to eat my huge ice cream and Darrin is in the background eating his for real. : ) Anyways, now I'm back in the apartment just chillaxing. I love the Sabbath.

Friday, September 14, 2007


OH MY GOSH! I am soooooooooooooooo incredibly upset!! I missed Capt. Phil and Capt. John!!!!!

They apparently were at Central Market in PLANO, TEXAS!!!!!!!!!! Sept. 7th and 8th!!!!! Isn't that terrible!! I completely missed the whole thing! That was probably the only chance for me to ever meet them!! I am bummed out. More than I can express. Man, I'm so sad.