Wednesday, August 29, 2007

School Work

Sorry for the sporadic posts, but I've had sporadic internet access because someone in Building 6 has decided to set up their own wireless router. Which is incredibly rude to the rest of us, cause it completely ruins our internet fun!

Anyways, I've started school this past Monday, and MAN I've got sooo much homework to do already! It's a bit overwhelming, but I'll manage. It's just hard to go from doing zero work and getting good grades at Quad C, to having to do all this hard work all at once!! But all my subjects (except for math) are really interesting and all my teachers are really smart and helpful! I just really need to buckle down and put my nose to the textbook grindstone. Please say an extra prayer for my and my sister, if you can!

On a more domestic note, I've rearranged my room with the decorative help of Sissy and I like it better than it was before. It feels a little more homey, but I need to get some pics of family and friends up here quick, cause its so impersonal in that respect. I wish I could have my twin mattress from home though, because it's waayyyy better than the one provided here. This one is ruining my back I'm pretty sure. Dr. Jones is definitely going to have to fix me up!

I really miss my family, friends, and animals. But I'll be very glad to see my folks when they come to visit me this weekend!!

I've said enough now, I've got to get ready for class now. Goodbye for now.

P.S. I love my camera! Thanks, Daddy! : )

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