Friday, August 24, 2007

Start of the Blog

Hello all! (and by all, I pretty much just mean, Hi Mom and Dad!) : )

This is the start of my blog chronicling (sp?) my time spent at TAMUG!

It's a little late, since I've lived here about a week now, but hey, its like they say, "Better Late Than Never!"

So today, my sister, Aaron and I went to the beach! It was pretty fun, except for all the yicky seaweed that makes me cringe when it makes contact with my skin. I always tell myself not to yelp, but its something that cannot be helped. It must be a reflex or some such nonsense. After we cleaned up from our time at the beach, we met up with Mike and Cheryl for dinner. We ate at this place called "Wild Wings", and the food and music were really good! I also got a free drink out of the manager, Will. That's always a plus! : ) The music was a crazy montage of 80s Classics, which is always a delight to hear. The food was really tasty and incredibly spicy!! My mouth was on FIRE! Cheryl was befuddled by my lack of tolerance for the heat however, and asked me "But aren't you Indian?" I had to remind her that indeed I am, but that there must have been some sort of crazy voo doo spice in my wrap which was causing even my lips to tingle with the heat!

Now, I am back in my apartment, listening to Aaron ramble on about something in my sister's room across the way, while I am missing my cats and my folks quite terribly. Oh and I'm also missing my queen sized, pillow topped bed most ardently! This little dinky twin mattress here is just not cutting it, I say!

Anyways, other than that, things are going really well here, and the start of classes is ever growing near.

I'm going to sleep now, since I've got church in the morning, and nothing I'm typing is really making any sort of sense.

G'nite and Sweet Dreams!


ruthsunanda said...

Hi Mal!
Nice pic of you! Did you go in the water at all?
We miss you too but I know you will be too busy by Monday evening to miss us too much. You will have assignments and new friends and suchlike.
The house is quiet. Not a bad quiet but you know, quiet, no doors opening and closing etc.
If I figure out how to send pics on the computer, I will send you pics of the cats in various poses.
Jones is over here this am and he started the morning sleeping on the windowsill in the sun and ended sleeping on the bed under the covers-could not budge him 1mm. Made himself "dead weight".
I am working on putting pics onto the computer today. I need to add what I have on my camera.
Did you take a pic of the church and the pastor?

the other aaron said...

glad you have a blog, its pretty cool. too bad pastey-white-aaron made an appearance in your photos, and 3 hrs laying in the sun did nothing to change that. :( keep it up so I can keep tabs on your daily life. you know, for scientific reasons, just to make sure 'the island' doesn't have any weird electromagnetic anomalies or anything else that might disturb the space-time continuum. stay sane, don't let smokey get to ya. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Love the BLOG!!!